Alright-- Here is the comparison....
Taylor, Miley and Mindi all at 3.5 months- I think she is just a perfect combination of us both. Some days she looks more like Taylor and others she looks more like me.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Here is the Comparison
Check out what we've been doing...
Last weekend me and Miley went to visit Nana and Bumpa at the Mystic Lake Campground. Bumpa was very happy to see her! While we were there she filled her pants 3 times and that wore her out so she took a nice long nap. And then she drove the motorhome home! :)
Then we went out to visit Grandma and Grandpa Bodette. They hadn't seen her yet since they were in Arizona snow birding it when she was born.
Then this weekend Taylor's co-workers all went bowling for staff night on Friday so me and Miley went along for her first bowling experience. She loved seeing all the action and was a very happy and good girl!
Here are some photos of Miley hanging out. She REALLY loves to play in her exersaucer and her jumperoo. Both Grandma Pagel and Nana each have an exersaucer at their houses and we have the jumperoo. She is really good at spinning herself around to see all the toys. She really impresses me sometimes! I'm so proud of my little girl! She is getting to be so much fun!
I don't have any pictures but Wednesday we went to Taylor's first Bears game of the season and Miley must be his good luck charm because at his first at bat for the season he got a home run! Miley was so proud of her daddy!!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
JCPenney Portraits
We took Miley last weekend to get her 3 month portraits done at JCPenney. They turned out really good! And she did better then I expected- she made eye contact with the camera and gave big smiles! I can't wait until we get the pictures and hang them up at home! We got some really nice ones to hang above our bed in our room since we have bare walls in our bedroom. We got the one square photo with the three pictures on it of our family picture- us holding her hand and us holding her feet. And then to go next to that one will be each of us kissing her on the cheek. And then of course we got some cute ones of just her. I Love my baby so much! She is just so much fun!
Click on this link or copy and paste it and in the customer name type Mindi Pagel
On the learning side of things:
Miley has really found her voice and we have lots of 'conversations' every day. If you talk to her she'll talk right back. She can imitate you if you do the motor boat thing with your lips and now she does this squeal and scream thing at different pitches when you talk to her- I can tell she is really trying to tell me something. She's so funny.
She has gotten really good and grabbing toys now and she can bring them to her mouth to give them a taste.
She still LOVES her bath time- I hear she watches Landon when he gets his bath and he has been teaching her to splish splash in the tub and now she does that in her tub- I've been giving her baths in her little tub on my bathroom counter but the past few baths have ended with a pretty wet floor with all the splashing she does- so we might be moving her tub into the big tub. As soon as she gets a little better at sitting up more on her own we'll move her into the big tub but for now we'll keep her in her tub- it's the perfect size for her right now and it's just easier for me to get her really clean. She likes to suck on her wash cloth now too- my mom told me that she always had to have two wash cloths for my bath- one to wash me and one for me to suck on- looks like Miley is following in her mommy's footsteps!
She really likes to sit up now- she is officially a Supported Sitter now- she'd much rather be sitting up and looking at the world around her then laying back and cuddling. Although, when she is tired she does like to snuggle in your arms with her binkie (blanket) and she pulls it over her eyes- it's so cute.
It's so crazy to think that she is just about 4 months old now- and look at how far we've come- they do grow up so fast- but it's so fun seeing her learn new things!
One more last thing-- my dad watched her for a little bit yesterday as I ran to rinse the mud off my car from the gravel roads and he put her in the bouncy seat they have at their house- she can't quite reach the hanging toys with her hands in their seat but she was looking like she wanted to and my dad took her leg and showed her how to kick the toys with her feet- he did this a few times and then she was doing it all by herself! I think we have a little smarty pants on our hands!!! YEAH!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Bloggy Facelift
Alright- here is my final facelift! YEAH! I LOVE IT! I had to re-create my header so it matched better- but I like this one much more! Enjoy! :)
More from Arizona
Here are more shots from Taylor's trip to Arizona. Some of these are pretty cool pictures!!
Look closely at this picture- the guy on the end has a prosthetic leg and Taylor said he did a really good job! It's just amazing that handicap people can actually live a full life now and do the things they use to do before their handcap. God is Amazing!
Monday, April 21, 2008
New Look
OK-- I'm working on giving my blog a new look like Heidi's and Jenna's. I've got my header- but now I'm still just playing around with my background-- but I DO have a LOT of actual work to get done today- so I'll have to play around with the background later-- so for now-- just enjoy the white... and my awesome new header! :)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Miley Goes Swimming
I took Miley swimming for the first time at Jackie's house the other day. I figured since she loves her bath that she would love the pool and I was right! She loved it! I didn't put her under water because I didn't want to do that without a professional there but I know that babies know how to do that anyway- but I was just didn't feel like doing that. We are planning on enrolling her in a swim program at the Hastings YMCA, just like Maddox does, this fall- so we'll try all those advanced things then. But for now she just liked to swim around with me and be in the water. I hope she ends up being a little fish like me! If we ever move to Hastings maybe Miley will be on the swim team like I was when we lived in Prior Lake!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Taylor's AZ trip
Here are just a few pictures from Taylor's trip. He had a wonderful time but was glad to be home to see his girls. :) And we sure are glad to have him home.
OK- just have to share this little story-- they say when two people are meant for each other they are always connected no matter how far a part they are- well- just yesterday I was telling my mom that I need to get Miley a dream catcher because I think she sometimes has bad dreams-- well- much to my surprise when Taylor got home he took out his gift to Miley- it was a dream catcher!!!! Great minds think alike! :)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
It's Sunny Out!!
FINALLY- After almost a week of clouds and rain and cold, it's finally sunny out!! And getting warm!! Just in time for Taylor to get home! He gets home tonight and we are so excited to see him!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Miley hanging out
Well- we are on day 4 of Taylor being gone and we are getting by. Last night was a bit frustrating because the dish box went out and it wasn't because of the weather because the downstairs one worked just fine. I got crabby because I'm afraid of the dark- yes, I will admit it, I'm afraid of being alone, two dogs in the house has really helped, and I hate being alone during thunderstorms! And so to say that I had NO TV upstairs to keep an eye on the weather was a bit frustrating because I'm also afraid of going downstairs during the night when it's dark down there.... yes-- I'm a chicken...
BUT- with Mom and Dad there to help we made it through and I watched Knocked Up last night to put me to sleep so all was well.
Here are just a couple shots of Miley from this week. She loves to sit up like a big girl now!
And check out her AWESOME new hat from her Great Auntie Janna and Great Uncle Peter! She looks adorable in it!
Tomorrow we are going up to Minneapolis to see Cousin Erin's cabin model she made at the Lake Home and Cabin Show- it should be fun- they have an Owl show and a professional chef showing how to make fun snacks- along with all kinds of up north things to look at. It should be a fun day!
Then Sunday me and Miley are lounging around and catching up on our TiVo'd shows until Daddy gets home.
Thank goodness it's Friday!! And I'm taking a half day to boot! Whew- I did it!
Miley Meets Peyton
We went to meet Peyton yesterday- she is a doll!! So tiny! It's so weird to hold these tiny little babies that were smaller then Miley- and especially now I'm use to holding my 15 pound girl so holding these little 6 pound babies it feels like I'm holding a feather!
We got some great shots of the kids-- Miley and Peyton are going to grow up to be great friends! It's going to be so much fun! :)
Brittney and Brayden were down too- I can't believe how big he has gotten-- 1 year old- walking all over the place- and still no hair! Good thing he's a boy- it looks good on him! :)
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Taylor's on Vacation
Well- if you didn't know Taylor is on, as he calls is, "the vacation of a lifetime" with his buddy Bob. Bob's company sent him on an all expense paid trip for two to Arizona and he chose to take Taylor along for some good golfing. They are staying in Scottsdale until Sunday. While on this trip they get to take in some golfing at some of the PGA courses around, Taylor is more then excited about it all!
Today he sent me some photos of some beautiful palm trees and they had a free day today so they went to the Diamondbacks vs Dodgers game- I didn't know this- but Taylor, the baseball maniac, has never been to a professional outdoor stadium.He was pretty excited to go!
In exchange for Taylor taking such a cool vacation away from me and Miley- her and I are going to South Dakota this summer with my mom and dad and Taylor has to stay behind due to playoffs for the Bears. And Thank goodness for Nana and Bumpa this week- they have been coming over every night to help me out so I can get everything done. Gotta love family!
Monday, April 07, 2008
Miley's Friend is Here!
Kelly and Rich had their baby girl Peyton Mae on Sunday, April 6. Peyton was 6lbs 7oz and 19 inches long! That's how long Miley was- but 2 pounds heavier! All are doing great and they say Peyton has dark hair! Miley is so excited to meet her new friend :) I'll get some pictures of them lying next to each other- I'm sure Miley will look like a giant beast next to little Peyton- but I'm sure Peyton will catch up quickly! We, hopefully, will be visiting them this week!
Congrats Kelly and Rich! We are so happy for you both! Welcome to the Parent Club!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
3 Months Old!
I can't believe that Miley is 3 months old today! Time sure does fly by fast!
Miley has learned SO many new tricks in the past month, she found both of her hands, the left one was first, she likes to suck and chew on her fists and fingers, it's so cute. She can put her hands together, she can grab for toys and hold them, her new trick is being able to bring the toy to her mouth so she can taste it. She tells stories all the time, she laughs and giggles, she knows how to get your attention by doing this little fake cough (as to say, excuse me, pay attention to me!), she is getting better every day at holding her head up when she's on her belly, and she likes to sit up, with assistance of course.
She is starting to have favorite toys now too. She loves to play with her frog, Angel, and this one rattle. She has all kinds of fun playing with her activity gym and sitting in her bouncy seat. I love her more and more every single day and we are having the time of our lives being parents. When we are driving home from work we just can't seem to get home fast enough to see her!
Here are some photos of what we've been up to...
Just chillin' in bed with Mom and Dad! (this night she just wasn't tired, so we brought her in our room to play for a little while)
This one just makes me laugh- I caught her in mid sneeze
Look at how well she can hold her toys in her hands
She loves her angel
Sound asleep
Miley's very own rocking chair from Great Grandma and Grandpa Duden
Playing with her activity mat
Holding her little puppy
With her cousins Dylan and Danielle
So excited for Daddy to be home, she snuggled right into him