Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nana and Bumpa Cam

Miley and I are over visiting Nana and Bumpa and I noticed that they had some pretty good photos of Miley on their camera. From Stacking to snacking and licking her first beaters full of pumpkin muffin mix- enjoy these photos of Miss Miley Kay!

This is her 'America's Next Top Model' look

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Time Outs

Our new thing with Miss Miley, sad to say, is Time Out. I know, she's only 1, but she is a smart 1 and she needs to start learning now when her behavior is unacceptable. I am hoping that by showing her now at an early age we can shape her into being a well/better behaved toddler/little lady. She just started this thing that when she gets mad she pulls your hair and hits you in the face, and sometimes she even laughs at you after she freaks out (kind of devilish) and that just doesn't settle in my book. 1) it really hurts and 2) I would hate for her to do that to someone else. She did it to Nana this weekend and knocked her glasses off and I felt terrible so she got a timeout immediately. I just sit her on the floor off by herself, but nearby so I can keep an eye on her, just far enough out of reach so she understands and feels separated. She throws a fit but she doesn't move, she lays down on the ground and screams but she doesn't get up and doesn't disobey us. She stays there for 1 minute and then we go back over and pick her up and she is ready for a hug as to say sorry and we tell her that hitting and pulling hair is not nice and she can't do that. So far, it seems to be working, she seems to understand what timeouts are when we say the word and that we will always go and hug her when its over. We just started it this weekend so she hasn't quite learned that she can't pull hair and hit, but I am assuming that lesson will take awhile to understand. But hopefully starting timeouts early enough will lead to a better behaved child later on. Nana is a softy when it comes to time outs, today I had to tell her that she couldn't go get Miley for a full minute, even though she was the victim of Miley's tantrum, she had a hard time listening to her scream, where me, Taylor and Bumpa just laugh it off, well, trying not to laugh in front of her. I try not to think too emotionally about it, if I think of it too much it pulls on my heart strings but I just have to remember how badly my head is throbbing after she just pulled a handful of hair out of it and that this is for the best, hopefully we won't even have to worry about timeouts in the near future, maybe she'll just figure out what is good and what is bad and they will just be few and far between, wishful thinking?? :)

Well- enough of the 'Mean Mommy' stuff- here are some recent photos of Miss Miley Kay
Hanging out on her favorite new couch

Drinking out of her favorite HOT DOG cup

At the Boogie

What a beautiful, peaceful sleeping baby, I just want to hug her up in this photo!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Newest Member of the Loose Cannons

The Easter Bunny came to Nana and Bumpa's house too and got Miley her very own tambourine and Nana and Bumpa taught her how to play it so she is ready to play with the Loose Cannons at the Boogie to Beat Breast Cancer next weekend!! Hope you can make it- Miley wants to show off her skills to everyone!!

See video in the post below:

This Beautiful Week in April

This has been a GREAT week!! First off-- I started my new job this week!!! Globe University/Minnesota School of Business- Corporate Office in Woodbury! I am the Administrative Assistant-Corporate Finance, my official title. I am just LOVING it!!! It's the big corporate world which was/is something I am getting use to but I really like it. Everyone there is so extremely nice, laid back but yet still professional and so easy to get along with. I just feel so comfortable being in an organized and rapidly growing organization and I think this is the place for me! The drive is not bad at all! On the days I drop off Miley I leave at 6am, head out to Grandma Daycare and I am at work usually between 6:50-6:55! There is NO traffic at all- going to or coming home so it is a pretty slick commute. I'm really excited for next Wednesday, Administrative Professionals Day... my three bosses are taking me out to lunch, my choice, how fun!! :) I just love my new job and I feel that being home with Miley for 5 weeks was the best thing for us, I just got time to reconnect and get myself under control, I felt I was pretty moody there for awhile and I just feel better about everything right now, we got a lot of projects done around the house so I have those things off my mind and I feel that this is the right time for me to be starting at a new place. God does work in mysterious ways! Amen!

Miley has been adjusting well going back to Grandma's, although, now I think she is working on cutting her upper canines as she had a fever the one day and slept the whole day in Grandma's arms and sometimes she just seems to be in pain. But, we've been here before, nothing that a little Motrin or Tylenol and some Orajel can't fix.

The Easter Bunny visited Miley and it was SO fun this year... the Easter Bunny left her presents on the living room floor and when she woke up she ran straight to them- and of course her first words out of her mouth when she saw her gifts were- HOT DOG!?!? Funny girl!

This past Monday was Miley's last day of swimming lessons and she passed! :) She just loves to be in the water and I am so happy we did the lessons. I was surprised with how much she actually did learn. Now, we will take what we learned at lessons and practice all summer and next year around this time we will take the Seahorse class. That will be her last parent/child class, then the following year she starts the 3-5 year old classes. The last day we were allowed to take photos, so Nana got to be the lucky one who could make it to class that day to take some fun shots.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Duden Easter and Playing in the Backyard

Miley with her first set of Pom-Poms!!!

Here she is in her Palm-Sunday dress for the Duden Easter that Auntie Shelly and Uncle Brendon got her for her birthday, it is so adorable on her!

Heading out for the Easter Egg Hunt- she did REALLY well, I'd help her find the eggs and she'd run right over and grab it and put it in her bucket. So fun!!

Here she is checking out the eggs she found and then opening up her Easter surprise for finding all of her eggs-- it was a set of bath Whales and when she opened them up she looked at me and told me what whales say!! (they say hhheeeellllooooo in a deep voice)

And of course checking out Great Grandma's dolls, she tought it was funny that she could take this ones hat off.

Tonight we headed outside to clean up the backyard. Taylor had several months of poop to pick up that had been frozen inside the snow all winter and I had some raking to do. This really was the first time that Miley has been in our backyard and been able to venture all over and check out the world. And if you don't know, I have a hard time with her getting dirty... so- I bundled her in layers, didn't want her cute coats to get dirty-- so I put on her rain boots, because they are easy to wipe off you know, and she was ready to go. She helped me rake, played in the rocks, checked out her outdoor patio set, played in the horse shoe pits and slid down her slide. She had a wonderful time!

And, I don't know why it surprised me, but of course my kid would want to taste dirt! Not once, not even twice, but FOUR times she put it in her mouth!!! We tried stopping her but sometimes you just can't get to them fast enough. Here she is saying yucky, but then looks at me like- What Ma-- it's just dirt!

When it was time to head in she went straight to the bathtub. She was pretty tuckered out because bathtime was VERY short and she stood up and said All Done-- meaning she was ready to get out. We got her jammies on, drank some water to wash down the icky dirt taste and she crashed! I hope she sleeps good tonight!

Well-- the most exciting news of all.... I GOT A JOB!!! I will be starting full time on Monday the 13th with Globe Universities Corporate Finance office in Woodbury, about a 35-40 minute drive from home. I will be their administrative assistant. It is a brand new position as it is a rapidly growing company, they just added 4 campus' this year and another 4 are planned for next year! So that is a great company to be working for, a place that is growing and not down-sizing! It all happened very quickly, I had my first interview last Wednesday, second on Monday and got the call this morning, Tuesday, saying they wanted to offer me the position. I am very excited about it as it is truly a position that I have always seen myself in and has lots of opportunity for growth. It is bitter sweet though, I think I am going to have a hard time going back that first day and leaving Miley, it's just like when I went back to work when my maternity leave was over, but only harder because now she is so much fun and we have a real connection, she's a little person and we talk and hang out and play together and now I will have to go back to sharing my time with work and then family time. I will adjust and get use to it quickly I am sure and just knowing that Grandma and Landon miss seeing her every day is comforting, her and Landon are going to have such a grand time getting to run around outside together now this year. I am excited to see all the pictures Grandma Pam takes!

Well- I'll let you all know how my first week goes next week! Thank you to everyone who was praying for us, we love you!!!