Thursday, August 14, 2008

Miley is Mobile

Well-- she is finally there- she is MOBILE!!! She doesn't totally crawl but she gets around. She can either sit on her butt and bounce/scoot her way to something she wants or she can roll around and inch worm her way around. We were downstairs and she was sitting and playing and then she all of a sudden rolled down to her belly and usually she whines and wants help sitting back up but Taylor and I just waited to see what she would do and we 'pretended' to not pay attention to her because that's when she seems to whine so we were both watching her out of the corner of our eyes and she worked herself all the way around the living room- we were having so much fun watching her!

She can also pull up very easily now if what she is pulling up on is low enough so she can reach it. We were at Brendon and Shelly's the other night and they have a low couch in the basement and she pulled herself up at least 10 times and each time got easier and easier for her. It is just so weird to me that not even an year ago she was still inside me and this tiny little fetus and now she's a little person and moving all around! Guess we better get our baby gate now!

Here are just some phone time fun photos:
Standing up in the bathtub

Here she is eating lasagna- which she LOVED!

Eating a strawberry out on the patio

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