Wednesday, August 05, 2009

11 Weeks

11 weeks brought on a cold and a twisted back. No fun at all! Saturday I had to sit on a heating pad the entire day and could barely walk as my lower back hurt so much. It was a really rough day with pregnancy melt down after pregnancy melt down, I was able to get into a chiropractor on Monday, a different one as mine was on vacation, and he said my lower back was completely twisted. He fixed it but I need to go again as carrying Miley when she is kicking and screaming because it was time to go home while walking in grass in heals seemed to knock it right back out of position! URGH! Darn loose joints- sometimes pregnancy can just be no fun at all! On top of all of that I got a cold, and I never get sick, I maybe get 1 bad cold a year and it seems like this year my body is just worn out, the flu twice, bad sinus infection which caused a crohn's flare and now another cold. I think I need to go away to a warm beach for a month and just sit and sleep and relax and get my immune system back to where it use to be.

I am going away for the weekend with just the girls and I think I really need it! Just some time to myself, time to relax and time to sleep. I'm hoping after a weekend of fun I'll come back a New mommy, hopefully feeling better and completely refreshed and ready to get back into my Mommy role. I'm sure Mom's hate to admit it but I need to get it out- have you ever felt like you are almost getting to the point where you just don't want to care if your child is throwing a fit for no reason and just want to go away and let someone else deal with it because if you have to you might just completely freak out? Well- that is the point I am beginning to reach right now and this weekend away couldn't come at a better time. I feel like I am just crabby with everything. I get upset with Taylor for no reason, I get upset with Miley when she gets crabby, I get upset with myself for not having the self control to stay calm and deal with things like I normally do. It's just a rough time right now and I am ready to be start feeling good and having energy again. Throwing up is now just in the mornings when I wake up, although during the day I sometimes feel nauseous. Eating crackers and things before I get out of bed doesn't help because my mouth is dry which trying to eat makes me sick, and trying to drink something before I eat something makes me sick as well. For me, it's just easier to get it out of my system and then I feel better.

I'm just ready for fall, I'll be feeling better, it's my most favorite time of year, and Taylor will be back to school so we all will be back on a schedule. I hate to wish away the summer, but it is flying by and I am not looking forward to 90 degrees and humid this weekend, thankfully we will be on the lake, might have to take a swim to cool down or go for a boat ride. AAHHH That sounds amazing right now!

11 Weeks

Just because it is fun to compare- this is 12 weeks with Miley

On the Miley front- she is now majorly into Little Einstein's. She calls it Rocky-- which stands for Rocket as that is the Rocket ship that the Little Einstein's ride on as they travel the world. She has a Little Einstein's coloring book and loves to look at the pictures as she watches the show. She goes up to the TV and points and says ROCKY, ROCKY!! It's really rather cute. It's a really fun show, they ask you to help get Rocket started by patting on your lap, then on your tummy, and then raise your arms and shake your body- she loves doing this. We only have 3 episodes recorded right now and she has watched all 3 probably 20 times each! One episode is about a baby Goose and the Little Einstein's teach it to fly fast and Miley starts flapping her arms and flying with him. And her language is advancing every day, she says something new all the time and is really starting to get good at repeating a word that you ask her to repeat. And she really wants to start talking in sentences. The other night she was eating a piece of summer sausage- she just calls it MEAT! And I asked her to say Meat is Good- and she said Meat and then just made the sound of 'is good' like she really was trying to say it. She does this often, starts rambling and a couple words come out clear as day and then she just makes sounds to fill in her sentence. It's quite funny to listen to. And she is starting to become interested in the potty again, however, she doesn't want to sit on her little potty, she wants to use the big potty, which I have a double seated toilet seat, the first seat has a small hole for kids and the second seat is a regular one, it's the neatest toilet seat ever! Last night she wanted to sit on there and then all of a sudden Mommy had to go really bad but she wouldn't let me sit down to go, I tried setting her on her potty and she jumped up and said NO and then pottied on the floor. Which, wasn't her fault, but after sitting with her for 5 minutes trying to make her go, sometimes a pregnant bladder can't hold it either. We will keep trying as she continues to be interested in it. And Taylor is really good at working with her to go too, it's funny to listen to him in there trying to talk her into it and telling her to push!

Well- here's to hoping for a better week next week!

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