Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Support my Mommy

My Mom is part of the team Dubar Dolls for the Walk Against Breast Cancer. My Aunt Michelle was diagnosed with breast cancer in August and 2 months after that my Gramps- their dad- passed away from lung cancer and then 3 months after that my Grams- their mom- passed away suddenly from a stroke. So my mom, Kris, and Michelle along with my cousins Heidi and Angie have decided to do the 3-day 60 mile walk for breast cancer to help others out and to empower themselves as women and all of us as a family.

Please support them in their journey-- I've nominated myself as their #1 Cheerleader and will do whatever it takes for them to reach their goals to make their walk possible. They each need to raise $2,200 in donations in order to participate in the walk- they have already begun training and have stocked their closets with the appropriate shoes, socks, and walking materials. So please help them out in helping out other women around the world.

Click the link Dubar Dolls on my page and it will direct you to their blog of their adventure and you will find their donation links on there as well.

Our family thanks you greatly for your donations, support and prayers.

God's Peace!

-Mindi Kay

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Breast Cancer help
Common Breast Cancer Myths

The first myth pertaining to this disease is that it only affects women.

Second myth that is associated with this disease is that if one has found a lump during an examination, it is cancer.

Third is that it is solely hereditary

The next myth associated with breast cancer is downright ridiculous. Would you believe, that in this day and age, some individuals still think that breast cancer is contagious?

Conversely, some individuals foolishly believe that breast size determines whether or not one gets cancer.

Finally, another myth that is associated with this disease is that it only affects older people. This is not so. Although the chance of getting breast cancer increases with age, women as young as 18 have been diagnosed with the disease.

You can find a number of helpful informative articles on Breast Cancer help at

Breast Cancer help