Monday, August 18, 2008

Just another day with Miley

Things with Miley are still going great- she finally got over the hard part of teething and isn't as crabby anymore, now if we could just get this 'going to bed' thing down a little better we would be all good!

Miley is getting better each day at all her new things. First off she is now eating fruit with some oatmeal mixed in for breakfast and a bottle (or nurses on the weekends with me)- or at least half of one, a bottle for a late lunch and then she nurses shortly after I get home, then she has dinner which consists of usually whatever we are eating or mac & cheese with some meat all grinded up and a veggie and my milk in a sippy cup. I LOVE my little grinder that I got at Target- it cost me all of $10 and it works GREAT! So far I have grinded up lasagna, hash browns with ham chunks and Mac & Cheese (actually its Easy Mac) with a little bit of chicken. She LOVES to be able to feed herself. We put the main course on her tray for her to dig in and then we feed her the veggies as they are pretty messy still. Then she nurses around 7 or so and then one more time right before, and of course- the over night feeding as well.

Miley can also drink from a straw! She has a sippy cup that has a straw and she really enjoys drinking water from it, especially after we've been outside on a hot day.

She is getting really good at pulling herself up now, she has some pretty strong arms, she can pull up on all our coffee tables and at first I thought they would all be a little high for her but she surprised us and used her super strength and pulled right up. It's funny to watch her get a good grip and pull, pull, pull and to see her little arms shake towards the end and then she finally stands up and smiles really big as she is so proud of herself!

She is moving all around now too- she doesn't really crawl but she does the inch worm really well as you can see in the video above. :)

And now with all these new little tricks of being able to pull up and squirm around- it sure has made bath time quiet the adventure. She doesn't really like when I wash her hair- but we get it done and she thinks it's funny to try to pull up on the side of the tub- the first time she tried that I freaked out as she almost slipped so the next day I headed to the store and got a cute little Mermaid Dora bath mat so she doesn't slip and fall.

She has also finally popped another tooth!! The tip of the left top one has made its way through! And I can see the right top one and also a third one on the bottom now. So I'm guessing in the next 2-3 weeks she will have officially 5 teeth! I just think that is crazy!!

Here's just a cute picture of Miley with Daddy.

We are headed up north this weekend- it will be Miley's longest ride in a car- the motorhome was fine because she could look out the front window- but in the car- it's a little more packed, but mom and I will be in the back seat with her so hopefully we can entertain her for 3.5 hours. :)

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