Wednesday, July 25, 2007

16 Weeks

Everything is still about the same. I've been craving healthy food-- it's about time! FRUIT I just can't get enough of! And I think either its the not so healthy food or my Crohn's kind of acting up because I haven't been feeling the greatest on that end of things and food isn't staying with me long enough- but now that I've been trying to eat lots of healthy food every day it seems to be helping. With my Crohn's my body has a hard enough time absorbing enough nutrients as it is and that's not good for the baby- so I decided that I better eat as healthy as I can so that what does get absorbed is at least good healthy vitamins.

I learned this week that the baby is now 5 inches long!! And between the baby, placenta and amniotic fluid it all weighs 3 pounds- and so far- I've only gained those 3 pounds- I'm not complaining now though because I guess I'd rather it be that way then saying I've already gained 10+ pounds.... I've got 4 more weeks to put on a few more pounds or my doctors might start nagging me- but I honestly eat ALL DAY LONG- so I'm trying- I really am!

We go to the doctor again next Wednesday, August 1st- and at that appointment we get to schedule our next ultrasound- so I'll update again next Thursday with what happened at the appointment and when our ultrasound is going to be.

I saw this really amazing photo online this week and thought I'd share.

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