Monday, April 06, 2009

15 Month Stats

Miley had a good Dr Appointment today. She ended up getting two shots and just before they gave them to her I realized that this was the first time she would be getting shots and I wouldn't be nursing her to calm her down... I got pretty nervous but then remembered I had packed a package of animal crackers in her diaper bag so as soon as she was done with her shots I pulled out the bag and she got excited and said- CRACKER! So I was thankful I had those along. She carried the bag all the way to the car and then asked to have them be opened once we got in.

27 pounds- 94th Percentile
30 inches- 36th Percentile
Head 48 cm- 95th Percentile

I was impressed that she had grown 3 inches in 3 months but was surprised to hear that she is on the shorter side and according to the charts typically babies only grown about an 1/2 inch to an inch between now and 18 months, so it will be interesting to see what she does.

The Dr. said she is talking more at a 2 year old level- the other night I sat with her and ran through all the things she could say and I wrote them all down, when I was done with the list I was surprised at how much she really can say, and she does so fairly clearly. Here's the list just for fun:
Momma and Ma, Dadda, Bumpa, Jo-Jo, Tig (Tigger), Fish, Cheese (for the camera), Cheers (when we both have a cup in our hands), I'd know (I don't Know), Hot Dog (that is Mickey Mouse), Mani Mani (Handy Manny), All Done and signs it, All gone, Ball, Pease (Please), Thank You, No-No, Up and Down (says it as a phrase), Hop Up, Cracker, Peek, and one night she seriously said the word Opposites as it is a word in a song that her kitchen sings. And she is getting really good at her animals sounds.

Motor Skills:
Miley is now running, climbing and we've been working on marching and being able to lift one foot at a time and she does it pretty well now. She can knock on doors really well, she can bang on something in a perfect rhythm, she can blow on her recorder and make music (recorder- the flute looking instrument, in case you didn't know) and she can spin in circles when she dances. She also likes to color, we have color books and crayons but she perfers to draw on her little board that has the pen attached and you just move the little switch and it erases the board- hope you know what I am talking about. :)

So- I would say that our little baby really isn't a baby anymore, she's a toddler and one at full force. She has a big head (just kidding) that is full of smart brains!!! I'll get some pictures up later of her first Easter Egg hunt at Great Grandma and Grandpa Duden's.

1 comment:

Heidi Sue said...

I think our family only raises smart kiddos. Way to keep up the tradition Miley! Sounds like she's doing GREAT!