Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Doctor Appointments

Yesterday's doctor appointments went really well, and Miley was very happy and good through both of them. First was the appointment for the baby, it was just the initial appointment going over all the details and a little exam. She checked to see if my uterus felt enlarged at all and she said right now it feels normal but it was towards the back so she said we will see what things are looking like in 4 weeks at my next appointment, and at that appointment we will be able to hear the heart. It's funny going through this a second time, they are brief with the stuff they go over and treat you like you are an old pro at it, which I am, but it's just funny to me. Now, I am just waiting to get all my results back from all the blood they took and then we wait another 4 weeks. And a little side note/question, if my uterus is towards the back then why the heck do I look like I am 4-5 months pregnant when I am only 2, I know you pop sooner the second time around, but man- this was really soon!

Miley's appointment also went well. She is 29.2 pounds (95%) 2 ft 8.5 in tall (75%) and she has lots of brains as her head measurment was 98%, I believe they said 49.5cm!! She did REALLY well with Dr. Heilman this time, she actually smiled when he listened to her heart and looked in her ears, although she wasn't a fan of him looking down her throat, but who is, those little wooden stick things make me gag just looking at them. She got 2 shots but the best news is that now she is all done with shots, besides flu shots, until she goes to kindergarden!! WOO HOO!!!

After the appointments we went to Taco John's and Nana was in Red Wing so she met up with us and Miley got very excited to see her there. It was a fun little treat for being so good at the doctors.


Shelly Pagel said...

Isn't it nice to be done with shots... we're done now too- except for flu shots. One shot I think I can handle-- but I was seriously getting sick of those 4 shots appointments! Glad the appointments went well!!

Shelly Pagel said...
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