Wednesday, September 12, 2007

23 Weeks

I was thinking to myself this morning as I was getting ready-- 'this pregnancy is going pretty darn good!' Besides the really bad morning sickness in the first trimester- this second one has just been great! I haven't gained weight anywhere else besides my tummy (but have still managed to put on 12 pounds total as of this morning- but that's a good thing!)- no swelling at all yet- I'm very mobile and can still do everything- within reason- and I'm just feeling good! My appetite is back to normal- I don't feel the need to HAVE to snack ALL DAY LONG anymore like I did when I was dealing with morning sickness. I still prefer my pasta and chicken over anything else- oh- and my mom bought me my first bag of the season of those little pumpkin candies-- I can't get enough of them!

This past weekend I worked my BUTT off! I finally finished putting away all the gifts we had gotten over the past year that I just hadn't found a home for- so in doing that I cleaned out and organized our under the stairs storage room- then finally got one of the closets in the nursery all cleaned out and ready to go for baby girl clothes, then I went to Michael's and got some coat hooks that you paint and then hang on the wall- I got a butterfly, flower and a heart- so I got those all painted and ready to be hung up- as soon as Taylor gets around to it! So we are working on getting the nursery a little more girly- I thought it was really leaning towards more boyish- so just with some simple touches and hanging the right things on the walls- WA LA! it's girlified! :) I'll post some pictures of it next week- we still have some things yet to hang up.

This up and coming weekend is our 1st Anniversary (September 16)- Taylor and I are switching off every other year on who comes up with what we will be doing- I decided to take the odd years- so I've got a fun day planned for us on Saturday- but it's a surprise- so I'll have to fill you in on it next week.

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