Wednesday, May 21, 2008


OK-- so I know this is totally a personal choice and that everyone has a different opinion and that times have changed and the experts give different advice from when we were babies but I'm just having a hard time trying to decide what to do.

I'm trying to decide when I should give Miley her first taste of rice cereal. I know I'm breastfeeding and she doesn't need it as my milk has plenty of nutrients and calories but here is the thing- Miley has taken quite an interest in eating lately- she stares at us when we eat and watches how we use our utensils and always tries grabbing and what we are eating. I have given her little tiny tastes of things here and there on her tounge for the fun of it (what parent doesn't) and she seems to really like being able to taste different things. I let her play with her own spoon when we are eating and she knows how to use it- she knows which end to use and she sucks on it and I sometimes pretend feed her with her spoon to see what she does and she acts like she knows how it all works.

My initial plan was to wait until 6 months but with her taking so much interest I'm almost kind of thinking maybe 5 months (2 weeks from now) I might try some cereal at least once a day and let her experience what she seems to be so interested in. If she doesn't like it and it doesn't go well I obviously wouldn't push it- but it's just a hard decision for me to make for some reason. I know my doctor said it would be just fine and I know many people who have started on cereal by 5 months but would just like some opinions.


Tammy Meyers said...

Wow...Miley sure is growing up fast Mindi!! She definitely seems ready to at least try rice cereal if she is that interested in eating. I would try it and like you said if she doesn't like it - Dont' push it. You'll know if she's ready if you try it. Such a cutie you have :)

Anonymous said...

I started both my kids on the cereal around 4 months. First they just got it once a day and then we slowly worked it up to cereal in the morning and then again at night. After they were good with the cereal for a few weeks I started giving them some veggies first and then worked in the fruit. I know my kids liked the fruit mixed in the cereal too but then you get to that point I hear it's best to introduce the veggies first.

Shelly Pagel said...

I'd go ahead and try it-- it's not like that will replace breastfeeding so you'll still both get that wonderful experience and Miley will get all the good stuff still. If she's interested, I'd go for it! Good luck!

Shelly Pagel said...
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Shelly Pagel said...

Some how my comment posted twice... so I deleted one -- just letting you know that's why there is a delete from me@! : )

Anonymous said...

I started both of my boy's on cereal at about 5 months also and I think they are just fine, sometimes I think we as parents tend to OVER THINK things and we need to just do them :) I really dont think a little cereal will hurt :) and if she dosent like it you will know!!! Jamie

Nate and Jamie Sommer :) said...

I started both of my boy's on cereal at about 5 months also and I think they are just fine, sometimes I think we as parents tend to OVER THINK things and we need to just do them :) I really dont think a little cereal will hurt :) and if she dosent like it you will know!!! Jamie

Kim Sjoquist said...

I agree with parents tend to over-think. I would just try it. It can't hurt her at all. It's just food. If she takes to it, great. If not, don't push it. I would mix it with your milk though...she should like it better like that than with water.

Anonymous said...

I'd do what you think. I started Sophie on cereal at 4 and 3/4 months. I too wanted to wait til 6months but being able to feed your baby with a spoon always seems like something to look forward too. That's why I started early. Next time I hope I can wait. They say later is best for allergies but every baby is different. A week after starting cereal I moved to oatmeal instead of rice cereal because it's more complex ( my thinking I guess) and it has more fiber then I moved right into sweet potatos etc. Don't be surprised if she won't take to new things right away. Sophie didnt' like anything now she'll eat everything. Just give those taste interests time. Another benefit that I noticed but you never hear about is that breastfed babies tend to have bowel movements less frequently. When you start solids you'll notice a shift in frequency and solidity. I really missed those nice every 3-4 day poops:) you asked for advice :)

Mindi Kay said...

Thanks everyone! With it being a long weekend this weekend and we are actually going to just be at home and not all over the country I might give it a try. :) As it was said- it can't hurt anything! I'll let you know how it goes! :)

Heidi Sue said...

I would definitely wait until at least 6 months of age and between 6-9 months let Miley try things after she has nursed to introduce her to eating solid foods. For the first 12 months of life the primary source of nutrition is designed to be breastmilk.

All babies look interested in what we're doing and they will put anything and everything in their mouth. That's how they explore. Their digestive systems aren't mature or ready for solids.

Great link for more info:

Love you!
Heidi Sue

Angie and Kyle said...

Mindi, I would wait until 6 months and (to confuse things even further) I'd consider skipping rice cereal altogether. Although I do agree with everyone that it won't hurt her in any way.

I say this as a mama who did give rice cereal to her baby at about 6 months. I'm now of the opinion, however, that it isn't a great food (highly processed, low fat, no nutrition except for what's added in supplements, fills babies up too much to want breastmilk, etc.). Your own milk is vastly more nutritious.

Everyone has different opinions, but if I did it all over again, I'd be very relaxed about solids. I'd plan on nursing as the main source of nutrition for the first year and let baby have bites of real food from our normal meals (mashed up) as he showed interest in eating. I'd also favor high iron foods like very soft mashed meats, and try to go lighter on the refined grains and other "fillers." Fresh cooked veggies and mashed fruits are also readily accepted by babies.

It's easier said than done, though. I know. My kid would eat crackers all day if I let him. What is it with kids and processed grain foods?? It's hard to get him to eat meat and veggies. Wish I would have started those from the beginning!

Anyway, docs recommend rice cereal for iron, but it only has iron in it through supplementation. It's basically refined calories with a vitamin supplement.

Who knows what's right... These are just my opinions. You'll encounter lots of opinions now that you're a mama!

Love you! Thanks for sharing your adorable pics of Miley with us!


Angie and Kyle said...

Interesting article I read when Rowan was a baby:

Some mixed opinions on rice cereal:

The bottom line: all the "rules" that apply to feeding and raising a baby are relatively baseless. Every culture does things differently, and many things we think are so necessary are really just cultural myths.

Do your research and do what seems right to you. You'll likely change your mind as you go and learn new things right along with Miley!


Mindi Kay said...

Thanks Angie!! That was so really good info. I think I am just going to wait until 6 months- that is what I was thinking and I'm just going to go with that. It's only a month from now and yes- I have to say- I'm just like Bonnie- I'm so excited to try that with her but I need to cherish these cuddling moments I do have left with her because I know before too long she is going to be mobile and won't want to cuddle and nurse as often. And I like that info on skipping the rice cereal all together- ever since I got pregnant and all through nursing I CRAVE spicy mexican food and all kinds of veggies- new ones like brussel sprouts and spinach leaves and asparagus! So I think her first food at six months will be healthier foods like that since I know her digestive system will be ready for foods by then. I'll keep you updated when we get to that point!