Friday, June 18, 2010

Love and Hate

The word "Mommy"

Love: When your baby says it looking into your eyes “Mommy, I love you”

Hate: When your 2 year old starts every single sentence with it “Mommy, my shoe is falling off” “Mommy, what’s that” “Mommy, where’s the moon” “Mommy, I’m hungry” (mind you, all of these questions going back to back to back in less than 2 minutes)

Love: Getting a great deal on something you really like

Hate: That I’m buying something I really didn’t HAVE to have but since it’s on sale, I better get it now!

Being at home alone

Love: Peace and Quiet and time to get stuff done

Hate: Instead of relaxing and enjoying the quiet I run around like a crazy person cleaning and doing laundry and everything else on my check list because if I do just sit and enjoy the peace and quiet I then find myself missing my babies and not wanting to be home alone


Love: When your child gets old enough to get their own snack, their own glass of water, walk by themselves

Hate: When your child gets old enough to get their own snack, their own glass of water, walk by themselves


Love: It’s the start to the weekend

Hate: That I’m usually tired and can’t stay up late anymore like I use to. Friday nights are usually early to bed nights!


Love: When my songs on

Hate: When a bad song is on

Being a Mom

Love: I have the two most beautiful babies that I am a Mom too

Hate: Finding the right balance of Mom and Dad time and Husband and Wife time alone and with friends

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