Monday, May 28, 2007

8 Weeks

Well-- the doctor gave us good news! ONE healthy little baby!! We couldn't hear the heart beating quite yet but we could see it beating on the screen- 156 bpm- so very strong and healthy! It was just amazing seeing our little one- it really makes this whole thing real to us.

Here I am at eight weeks-- I think I'm mostly bloated- my anti-nausea medication doesn't help in that category- but I think I'm getting over my sickness, I only had to take one pill this whole weekend, so hopefully things are getting better!

This is Little Baby Pagel at eight weeks! You can see the cord, the head, and that white area on the chest is the little heart-- so hard to believe that this little thing is the size of a sunflower seed!

Lucky for us- I'm a super planner- when we moved in and painted the whole house I planned for the nursery- Hint of Olive is the color I choose- and I had hoped that I'd be able to do the nursery in a Pond Theme- that way if it's a boy we can add more blue dragon flies, frogs and turtles, and if it's a girl we can add more pink lady bugs, butterflies, flowers and fairies. I had found this bedroom set- the crib bedding, the valances, diaper holder, lamp shade- the whole bit and it was the PERFECT pond theme that I was looking for (and it matched the wall color perfectly). Here are the valances that we hung up, the bedding and the music mobile have pink daisies, pink ladybugs, and the blue dragonflies, and the frogs-- its very cute!

Here is the other window and you can see the music mobile that I put together- and all the stuff that Pam brought over of Landon's stuff. Our next purchase will be the crib eventually, its just nice to start getting those bigger ticket items slowly as we go along so those huge expenses don't hit us all at once-That's the plus side of a pregnancy lasting 9 months!

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