Tuesday, October 16, 2007

28 Weeks

Well- 28 weeks brought on BIG MOVEMENTS! As you can see in that video her movements aren't little anymore- it seems like every time she moves around now my whole stomach jolts around, it's pretty crazy. Taylor asked me if it hurt when she did that and really- those big kicks are so hard to describe- it doesn't hurt- it just feels really weird. On Sunday she either kicked my bladder or bumped up against it because all of a sudden I felt this weird feeling in there and had to go to the bathroom like RIGHT THEN! It just amazes me what is going on in there.

My birthday was yesterday and it was a nice relaxing day- I got to eat my favorite meal- Lasagna made by Pam- Taylor brought me home my FAVORITE food right now- GUMMY BEARS- and he had to be me for the night-- so, clean up the kitchen- make our lunches- feed the dog- take him out to the bathroom every time he had to go-- it was nice just to sit back and relax. Wednesday mom is taking me shopping for my present-- I NEVER thought I'd be asking for this for a birthday present- but I honestly want Nursing PJ's and tank tops and stuff that I'll need once the baby comes-- funny how things change as you grow older.

Some changes in me at 28 weeks- even Taylor has noticed this one- I just can't stay awake in the evenings- I crash on the couch almost every single night by 7:30 or 8:00, I try watching my shows and I can't even make it through them, it's like someone hit a light switch- I can be up watching the show and talking to Taylor one minute and he could blink his eyes and I'd be completely out the next. But other then that I'm feeling good, starting to get those back aches and having a hard time getting comfortable and also starting to need help getting out of our BIG chair or couch if I get snuggled too deep into them.

I can't believe that it's 7 months already! Halloween is right around the corner and you know what that means- so is Thanksgiving and Christmas-- then it's BABY TIME!

1 comment:

Heidi Sue said...

I fell asleep like that all the time in the 3rd trimester! Corey use to laugh at me because I was usually eating or sleeping. Take advantage of that now because once the baby comes you wonder if you'll ever get sleep again.

The holidays are going to cruise by and that baby will be here before you know it! I can't wait!

Love ya,
Heidi Sue