Friday, April 25, 2008

JCPenney Portraits

We took Miley last weekend to get her 3 month portraits done at JCPenney. They turned out really good! And she did better then I expected- she made eye contact with the camera and gave big smiles! I can't wait until we get the pictures and hang them up at home! We got some really nice ones to hang above our bed in our room since we have bare walls in our bedroom. We got the one square photo with the three pictures on it of our family picture- us holding her hand and us holding her feet. And then to go next to that one will be each of us kissing her on the cheek. And then of course we got some cute ones of just her. I Love my baby so much! She is just so much fun!

Click on this link or copy and paste it and in the customer name type Mindi Pagel

On the learning side of things:
Miley has really found her voice and we have lots of 'conversations' every day. If you talk to her she'll talk right back. She can imitate you if you do the motor boat thing with your lips and now she does this squeal and scream thing at different pitches when you talk to her- I can tell she is really trying to tell me something. She's so funny.
She has gotten really good and grabbing toys now and she can bring them to her mouth to give them a taste.
She still LOVES her bath time- I hear she watches Landon when he gets his bath and he has been teaching her to splish splash in the tub and now she does that in her tub- I've been giving her baths in her little tub on my bathroom counter but the past few baths have ended with a pretty wet floor with all the splashing she does- so we might be moving her tub into the big tub. As soon as she gets a little better at sitting up more on her own we'll move her into the big tub but for now we'll keep her in her tub- it's the perfect size for her right now and it's just easier for me to get her really clean. She likes to suck on her wash cloth now too- my mom told me that she always had to have two wash cloths for my bath- one to wash me and one for me to suck on- looks like Miley is following in her mommy's footsteps!
She really likes to sit up now- she is officially a Supported Sitter now- she'd much rather be sitting up and looking at the world around her then laying back and cuddling. Although, when she is tired she does like to snuggle in your arms with her binkie (blanket) and she pulls it over her eyes- it's so cute.
It's so crazy to think that she is just about 4 months old now- and look at how far we've come- they do grow up so fast- but it's so fun seeing her learn new things!

One more last thing-- my dad watched her for a little bit yesterday as I ran to rinse the mud off my car from the gravel roads and he put her in the bouncy seat they have at their house- she can't quite reach the hanging toys with her hands in their seat but she was looking like she wanted to and my dad took her leg and showed her how to kick the toys with her feet- he did this a few times and then she was doing it all by herself! I think we have a little smarty pants on our hands!!! YEAH!


Heidi Sue said...

OMG, the one where she's propped up on her tummy smiling away. So cue!!!!!

Mindi Kay said...

Yeah- that one is our FAVORITE! I was so surprised to see how well she connected to the camera there!

Anonymous said...

love the pictures - they turned out really cute!!!