Friday, January 22, 2010

Grocery Shopping

I seriously feel like I live at the grocery store lately.

A little background information- when we first got married and up until the point where Miley was eating three meals a day with us I went to the grocery store once a month, Yes, just ONCE! I would occasionally go back if the milk ran out or something small, but for the most part, once a month I would fill up the refrigerator and cabinets.

Now, I seriously could go once a week, and I have been lately, and I find it rather annoying! I LOVE to shop, some would call me a shopaholic, and I would agree, although I have come to find the same enjoyment I get when I purchase a new shirt as with purchasing bags of groceries to help with that NEED to shop. But, with that said, grocery shopping once a week is still annoying. Why can’t I figure out how to do a bulk shopping trip like I use to?

I thought about this for awhile yesterday, yes, when I get to the end of my pregnancies I start to mentally check out and I ponder the most random thoughts. Anyway, I guess I go to the store so often because I can go through two boxes of cereal, myself, in 1 week. Right now we have five boxes in our cupboard! I love cereal, every kind imaginable, from Fruity Pebbles, to Corn Pops to Raisin Bran- all of which I currently have in my cupboard.

Then it dawned on me that everyone in my house has been craving fresh fruit- must be cabin fever. Taylor eats about 2-3 bananas a day, Miley enjoys bananas, I’ve been craving grapefruit. Just the other day I went and bought 13 bananas! One bunch just wasn’t enough!

And MILK- of course with my obsessive amount of cereal I seem to consume lately I can also, weirdly, drink a glass of milk with this pregnancy! I have been lactose intolerant since I was 16 years old. I could have milk on cereal but never could I drink a big glass of milk with a meal. A couple months back I was just craving the biggest glass of milk and I gave into my craving and nothing happened! I tried a few days later and the same thing! It has been amazing!!! Just think, for all you milk lovers out there, not being able to drink a glass of milk for 9 years! I don’t overdo it, just to be safe, but at least a couple times a week I enjoy my glass of milk while I still can!

So, with all of this said, this is why I find myself running to the grocery store almost weekly. I guess I’ll just have to get use to it with my growing family now, it sure will be different having to feed four mouths!

Make sure you place your bet in the post below for when Baby Bear will be here!

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