Thursday, December 20, 2007

Doctor's Appointment

No Changes

She said maybe a little bit more thinned out but that was it.

I was upset with my appointment yesterday, I felt like my nurse didn't know what she was doing and my doctor was in a hurry and didn't give me much time and attention. She told me I had a +1 amount of protein in my urine and gained 5 pounds in a week! My blood pressure was good- 108/64. But didn't tell me what that all meant, she just left me hanging. She said if between now and next Wednesday I don't feel good or start swelling up pretty badly I need to call in and that was it. OK- what do you mean not feeling good... what kind of not feeling good, because I have been SO exhausted this week, my stomach feels a bit uneasy, I get hot flashes, I feel very gassy and crampy- are these the type of not feeling good signs I'm suppose to be watching for, or are these normal?

And my groin hurts SO bad lately sometimes I can't even walk another step, it feels like a cramp in my groin and there isn't anything I can do to make it go away.

I really broke down last night- I think I've been trying to be so strong and tell myself I can do this and last night it just came pouring out, pregnancy is not an easy thing. These last few weeks are VERY hard to deal with- you are expected to go about working like normal, take care of your house and family like normal and feel fine- well- its not like that, my body aches every minute of the day, I feel like a zombie who hasn't slept in years and every little thing I do is 100 times harder to do then normal. I think the last few weeks are suppose to suck so you have enough energy and power to push that baby out when its time.


Anonymous said...

I remember the day I went into labor I had a very sore groin area, I felt pretty sick to my stomach and I was VERY crabby...I just felt weird. SO, maybe you are just getting REALLY close to the big day!?! Hope you feel better soon!
Courtney R.

Heidi Sue said...

Hang in there girlie and don't try to do too much. This is the beginning of the time when you get to relax and Taylor gets to do lots for you. Don't push yourself to do so much. You're ready for this baby so relax, so you can enjoy the end of your pregnancy.

I love you!
Heidi Sue

Anonymous said...

Miss Mindi,
Sorry to hear you're getting frustrated. Don't be afraid to ask people for help, even if it's as simple as doing laundry! Take things day by day and don't sweat the small stuff. You're a strong lady!
Marie M.

My bet-
December 28, 7 pounds 9 ounces

Anonymous said...

The week five days before I went into labor i had trace amounts of protein in my urine too, don't worry about that. They said that is very common late stage pregnancy. Your groin pain is prolly the baby pushing down. Your body isn't used to having a baby head all the way down there! The last bit of pregnancy is hard just because you don't know what to expect and your just waiting.... and waiting, then it just happens. Your baby will be in your arms faster than you know it and no one expects anything from you right now. Sitting on the couch and grabbing the remote is enough of a work out sometimes...your close, very close so enjoy the last bit of this baby being in your belly, she'll be out for the rest of her life! :)

Kim Sjoquist said...

Mindi - everything you are going through right now is normal. I had some of the same things happen with the doctors too...hind-sight, I was upset because they weren't telling me I was in labor. :) You are doing great. Baby girl is just dropping and the more she does that the more your lower body and back are going to hurt and then pretty soon you'll have your little girl and you will feel so much better. Sometimes it was all I could to to lift my legs into my vehicle. Hang in'll be done before you know it even though that's hard to believe right now. Those last 3 weeks go so slow, but the rest of your life after baby will go by so fast.

Angie and Kyle said...

Hey Mindi!

I gained five pounds in one week during my pregnancy too (water weight). If your blood pressure is good, don't worry too much about it. Just try to relax and take it easy. Pregnancy and birth require as much (more?) mental strength as physical strength.

I'm sure you're getting impatient, but only your baby knows when it's time for her to come. Even the doctors, for all their poking and prodding, can't predict when she'll arrive. Try to remember that your body knows what to do and you're just along for the ride.

She'll be here before you know it!


TJ, Nora, Reese & Rowan Nordling said...

Hang in there Mindi! By not feeling good, she means epigastric pain (stomach) or a bad headache. Sorry the nurse was dumb....sometimes happens:) Hopefully your going to get a GREAT one in labor. Take care and I can't wait to meet little girl pagel! BTW 1-2-07 at 8:01am 7#2oz 19 inches long.....

Anonymous said...

Brendon says Jan 5th, 10am, 6lbs 4 oz

: )